Clom's Closet



some message from Cloms Closet send to you !

Hello !
we are Cloms Closet .
today is lastday of year .
one-year term ended.
Over the past year our store received 
a lot of visitors to the site and shopping,
 both patrons and new guests.
A long time than trying,
 we've received a lot of feedback from customers.
 Including good and bad feedback.
we're really happy when each product is handed over to you 
and get satisfaction from you.
We are grateful for comments from you in the past time
. Whether good or bad, we are very happy to receive it.
 because thanks to it that we draw a lot more experience
 and avoid mistakes on the rise 
We sincerely thank all customers for their support and visit us during the past.
Happy new year to you and we hope  see you soon in next year . 
thank you for shopping with us .

                                                                               ■Clom’s Clost blog↓
■Contact us↓
TEL (+84) 4 37188233
How to go to Clom’s Closet(Open the maps)↓