Clom's Closet



new arrival !!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We are Clom's Closet
at 31A Xuan Dieu str., Tay Ho., Hanoi Vietnam.

The weather began to turn to autumn, 
the intense heat of the summer has gone and replaced by gentle coolness of autumn.
 Atmosphere suitable for shopping you walk around, sipping coffee with his friends.
Especially on Xuan Dieu street cafe you can drink coffee at Cong cafe 
and see West Lake 
On the  streets almost foreigners traveling.
 You can rediscover the nostalgia with Cong cafe is such a wonderful thing.
 Many of our customers have been introduced to us about it before we arrived in Cong 
Give yourself the relaxed moments on weekends

Many new arrival in Clomscloset await you
On the picture is a very unique shirt designs
. You can even follow simple or mere appearance
 can change its style with two small buttons on the shoulder.
 Only slightly stylized you had just a new coat type.
Wish you will have a wonderful weekend.

■Clom’s Clost blog↓
■Contact us↓
TEL (+84) 4 37188233
How to go to Clom’s Closet(Open the maps)↓